April 26, 2019

Udall, Castro, Ruiz and Experts Host Congressional Briefing on Burn Pits

WASHINGTON—Senator Tom Udall, Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Vice Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and a member of the House Intelligence and Education and Labor Committee, and Congressman Raul Ruiz (CA-36), Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Health Task Force, will host a congressional briefing on Tuesday, April 30th, with Burn Pits 360 and other burn pits experts, to discuss Congress’ ongoing legislative efforts to support veterans and those impacted by burn pits.


  • Senator Tom Udall
  • Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20)
  • Congressman Raul Ruiz (CA-36)
  • Burn Pits 360


Congressional briefing on the issue of Burn Pits from legal, medical and health experts, and an update from elected officials on proposed Burn Pits legislation currently in the 116th Congress.


  • Tuesday, April 30, 2019
    • Doors Open: 11:30AM ET
    • Event begins: 12PM ET
    • Event ends: 1:30PM ET


  • The U.S. Capitol Visitor Center– CVC 200, First Street NE, Washington, DC, 20515


Media is invited to conduct interviews during and after the panel outside the auditorium or inside. Media please RSVP to Ned Adriance (Ned_Adriance@tomudall.senate.gov), Katherine Schneider (Katherine.Schneider@mail.house.gov) and Isaac Rubin (Isaac.Rubin@mail.house.gov).

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