January 25, 2019

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Castro Statement on Reopening the Government

WASHINGTON—Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, today put out the following statement on the President’s announcement to reopen the government: 

“I am relieved that a deal has been reached to temporarily reopen the government and back pay the 800,000 Americans who missed two paychecks. The 35-day, record long shutdown harmed our federal workers and greatly jeopardized U.S. national security all as the President pursued his partisan promise for a border wall. 

“While Congress will now debate border security in the next few weeks, rest assured that the Congressional Hispanic Caucus border security positions have not changed and that we remain opposed to any efforts that will hurt border communities, erect physical barriers between the United States and Mexico, increase Trump’s deportation force, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention beds. The Congressional Hispanic Caucus is supportive of smart, effective, and strong border security that actually makes our country safe while promoting trade, stopping the flow of drugs into the U.S. and building a 21st century border security program that protects people safely and humanely and we will continue working to ensure that Congress reaches a deal in line with our values.

“I’m glad to see our return to business and that we are no longer holding federal workers hostage nor putting families under serious and unnecessary financial strain.”

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The Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC), founded in December 1976, is organized as a Congressional Member organization, governed under the Rules of the U.S. House of Representatives. The CHC is dedicated to voicing and advancing, through the legislative process, issues affecting Hispanics in the United States, Puerto Rico and U.S. Territories.