Castro, Boyle Statement on Transatlantic Partnership
Hamburg, Germany – Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, and Congressman Brendan Boyle (PA-13), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, issued the following statement after meeting with U.S. diplomats and European officials in Berlin and Hamburg, Germany:
“As the United States strives to create a more peaceful, democratic world, our efforts benefit greatly from the strong transatlantic alliance. Cooperation on economic and security matters supports North American and European prosperity and addresses mutual security concerns. Working together, we are better equipped to respond to crises and confront evolving challenges like terrorism, climate change, and threats to the international order. Our continued partnership and close cooperation, built on our shared history and values, not only promotes democracy and liberty throughout the world, but also strengthens them within our own societies.
“At every opportunity, the United States must reiterate its unwavering commitment to our NATO allies and to the principle of collective defense. Forums like the G20 provide global platforms to voice those assurances and demonstrate collective leadership. The United States’ enduring support for our transatlantic partnership must be resolute throughout this weekend’s summit and after its conclusion.”