June 04, 2020

Castro Statement on Anniversary of Tiananmen Square Massacre

WASHINGTON—Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), Chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, Vice Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, and member of the House Intelligence and Education and Labor Committees, today released the following statement on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre: 

“Thirty-one years ago today, the Chinese government used military force to crush young protesters in Tiananmen Square who were peacefully calling for democracy, accountability, and respect for civil liberties. It is essential that we continue to honor the memory of these peaceful protesters and reflect somberly on their tragic fate. During the ensuing three decades, the Chinese government has failed to acknowledge the atrocities it committed on June 4, 1989 and has failed to make progress towards the democratic aspirations of the protestors. Instead, the Chinese government has grown even more autocratic, including orchestrating one of the gravest human rights abuses of this century in Xinjiang, and extending its totalitarian rule over Hong Kong, in violation of the government of China’s international commitments.

“Just as the Chinese government has retreated from democracy, the aspirations of young people around the world for a more just world has grown. Today we see the successors of the Tiananmen Square protesters bravely standing up to governments everywhere from Hong Kong to Lafayette Park. The United States has rightly condemned the actions of the Chinese government that night and helped keep the memory and dream’s alive of the students who were killed. President Trump’s efforts to forcefully dominate peaceful protestors with violent force dishonors that tradition. 

“The strength of our resolve to stand up for universal freedoms around the world is undermined by the injustice of institutionalized police violence against minority communities here at home. We must continue to be a voice for those who fight injustice abroad and also address injustice in our own nation.”

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