Castro Statement on the Administration’s Plans to Withdraw from the Flores Settlement Agreement
WASHINGTON—Congressman Joaquin Castro (TX-20), a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and First Vice Chair of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, made the following statement after the Trump Administration’s preparation to withdraw from the Flores Settlement Agreement and circumvent limits on the government’s ability to hold minors in immigration detention:
“I am deeply concerned about the Trump Administration’s preparations to strip fundamental protections from migrant children that would allow for the long-term imprisonment of families. This decision will create worse conditions for these children and will inevitably leave lasting psychological footprints. Instead of worsening conditions and allowing for indefinite family detention, the Administration should focus on reuniting the nearly 500 children who remain separated from their loved ones and providing the necessary information to Congress in response to any inquiries received for oversight and accountability purposes.
“The Flores Settlement Agreement has been the backbone of child welfare protections in detention centers for over 20 years. The Administration is already failing to protect children in federal detention—as we’ve seen with their cruel and heartless family separation policy—and these preparations will continue and even worsen the inhumane treatment of immigrants under this Administration. Congress must continue to hold the President’s feet to the fire and demand accountability and oversight of the Executive Agencies perpetuating these horrific policies. Our nation is better than jailing children indefinitely and subjecting them to any more trauma and abuse.”
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