In The News

Press Items
March 2018
Castro Statement on CIA Director Replacing Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State
Castro Statement on House Republicans’ Premature Russia Investigation Findings
Castro Joins Lawmakers in Urging Trump to Stop Ignoring Attacks on American Democracy
Castro Statement on President Trump-Kim Jong Un Talks
Castro Statement on Trump’s Tariff Imposition
Castro Joins HFAC Democrats Letter Blasting the State Department’s Refusal to Use Money Allocated to Counter Russian Propaganda
Castro, Lieu Question Why State Department Funds For Countering Election Meddling Are Unspent
Castro, McCaul Introduce Foreign Service Officer Civil Relief Act
Castro Remarks at Election Security Press Conference
Castro Urges House Appropriations Committee to Strongly Support Election Assistance Commission, State Grants for Election Security
Castro Joins HFAC Democrats Letter to Budget Committee on Pushing Back on Trump’s Foreign Affairs Budget Cuts
February 2018
Castro, Doggett Seek Accountability for Detention Center Sexual Assault & Abuse
Castro Statement on Democratic Memo Release
Castro Statement on New North Korea Sanctions
Castro, Engel Urge House Appropriators to Fully Fund America’s Development & Diplomacy
Castro Statement on Mueller’s Indictments in Russia Investigation
Castro Announces $110K for UTSA Smart Cardiac Pacemaker Research
CHC Urges Senate Leaders to Find Narrow Legislative Fix to Protect Dreamers Quickly
Castro Statement on DNI Director Concerns of Russia Interference in Midterms
Castro Statement on Trump’s 2019 Budget Request
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