In The News

Press Items
September 2018
Castro Statement on Hispanic Heritage Month
Castro Statement on Manafort Plea Deal, Cooperation with Mueller’s Team
Castro Releases Podcast Episode on U.S. Foreign Policy in Disarray
Castro Statement on Settlement Reached in Family Separation Asylum Cases
CHC, HFAC to Pompeo: Halt Inappropriate Passport Denials to American Citizens
CHC to Nielsen: What Conditions at the South Texas Detention Center Led to Toddler Death and Why Wasn’t Congress Notified?
Castro Statement on the Administration’s Plans to Withdraw from the Flores Settlement Agreement
Castro, Meadows Bipartisan Election Security Bill Passes House, Heads to Senate
ASEAN Co-Chairs to Myanmar: Commute Journalists Sentencing for Reporting on Rohingya Massacres
Castro, Wagner, Larsen Introduce Bipartisan Measure to Promote International Commerce
Castro Announces $2M for Low and Zero Emissions Transit
Castro Op-Ed in the Foreign Service Journal: “A Foreign Service for America”
Castro Statement on Anniversary of President Trump’s Decision to End DACA
Castro Announces Over $2.5M from the National Science Foundation to UTSA for Various Projects
August 2018
Castro Releases Podcast Episode on Consequences of NAFTA Renegotiations, U.S.-Latin America Policy
Castro Releases Podcast Episode on Trump-Russia Investigation
Castro Issues Congressional Inquiry Regarding Texas Car Accident Involving Female Immigrant Detainees
CHC Leadership to Mexican Ambassador Gutiérrez: What is Mexico’s Policy for the Treatment of Individuals in the Country Seeking Asylum in the United States?
Castro Announces $189K for UTSA Bioengineering Research
July 2018
Castro Leads Bipartisan Request to Secretary Mattis & Pompeo on U.S. Security Assistance for Cameroon
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