In The News

Press Items
February 2019
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members Urge Homeland Security Conferees to Oppose Additional Funding for Trump’s Deportation Agenda
Castro Statement on the State of the Union Address
Castro Introduces Two Measures to Help Veterans Affected by Burn Pits
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Castro Joined by DACA Recipient for State of the Union
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chair Joaquin Castro Calls on Governor Northam to Resign
Castro Statement on U.S. Withdrawal from INF Treaty
January 2019
Castro & Blumenthal Introduce Legislation to Address the Family Separation Crisis
Castro Introduces Legislation Preventing Intelligence Community Heads from Lobbying for Foreign Government
Castro Elected Vice Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee
Castro Releases Podcast Episode on Congress’ Foreign Policy Priorities for 116th Congress
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Castro Statement on the Trump Shutdown’s Economic and Moral Costs
Castro Statement on International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Castro Statement on Roger Stone Indictment
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Chairman Castro Statement on Reopening the Government
Castro to VA Secretary Wilkie: Does the VA Recognize Links Between PTDS, Alzheimer’s and Dementia?
Congressional Hispanic Caucus Welcomes Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard’s Appointment to the Smithsonian’s Board of Regents
Castro Joins the House Committee on Education and Labor, Assigned 3rd Committee for 116th Congress
Castro, Meadows Reintroduce Election Security and Democracy Promotion Legislation
Castro Releases Podcast Episode on Middle East: “From Russia to Riyadh”
Castro Statement on SCOTUS Ruling on the President’s Proposed Transgender Military Ban
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